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What to write in the CONFIG file

My public IPV4 address

You must enter this so that players can connect to your server. You can simply type "what is my IP address" in google, and it will tell you what it is.

My public IPV6 address

Usually, you won't have to write anything here .. so leave this part alone the first time you try to start the server. If your server won't start, you might have to write down your IPV6 address here. If you must, simply search "what is my IPV6 address" into google, and it will tell you what it is.

My local IP address

You must enter this so that players can connect to your server. There are a variety of ways to find out what your local IP address is. Search "what is my local IP address" in google to learn how to find it.

Port to use

You can keep this as '1234' if you want, or you can pick whatever number you want, but you'll need to remember it for later when you get to the "Port Forwarding" step.

Server Type

For now, the only thing you can type here is 'Survival'. Later, there will be Zombies, Battle, etc.

Message to show users before they join

This is the message that pops up when players click on your server (example image below)


PVP enabled

Determines whether players can hurt/kill each other in game

Max players

The maximum number of players that can connect to your server

Server locked

If you set this to "Server locked = yes", then only players listed as Moderators can join the server, until you turn it off. This is useful if you want to build stuff on your server without random players joining.

Biome at start area

This determines what biome appears at the start area. You can write any of the following : Grassland, Snow, Desert, Evergreen, Ocean, or Swamp.

Biome 'X' commonness

This determines how frequently certain biomes appear. You can enter a number between 0% and 100%. For example, if you want a server to be mostly Desert, you could set Desert to 100%, and all other biomes to 5%.

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